Our diabetes consultants and nurses work together as a team, to support each diabetes patients with up-to-date clinical care, emotional support, on-going education, and supportive contact.
Managing diabetes requires a multi-faceted approach. We work as a team to help the patient understand diabetes, empowering and encouraging them to make their own choices.
We treat the whole person and offer advice on how treatment can be tailored to each individual patient’s lifestyle.
People find GIH diabetes service particularly helpful if they:
Know they have long-term diabetes but feel they do not understand their condition or feel it is having a negative impact on their quality of life
Need advice if they are planning a baby or require intensive monitoring during pregnancy
Are interested in getting information on new treatments
Need extra support and advice before, during or after surgery
Experience regular hypoglycemia or have hypoglycaemic unawareness
Want to investigate a gastric band or gastric bypass to bring about significant weight loss